This is the time of the year when the sun doesn't set at all. It is light all the time. People hurry up to their summer cottages, camping sites, festivals, sailing - as far as possible from the cities. Our home city Turku transformed into a ghost towns already on Thursday, day before the Midsummer Eve. But we stayed and loved it: the city is now ours!
I cycled around the city and it felt surreal, just few tourists wandering around, trying to find a restaurant or a cafe that would be open. Finland is now more or less closed. But the weather is nice and sunny, I see some people having picnics in the city parks.
We had a small bunch of fresh birch tree branches in our sauna, that's a must especially in Midsummer. Another tradition is to eat new season small potatoes, and that's what we did, a lot.
Heavy drinking is very often associated with the Scandinavian Midsummer, but we skipped that part, and instead watched a movie and slept well... Are we getting old or what...? Just don't say that we
are old..!
My old fashioned bicycle makes me feel happy! |
Normally these restaurant boats are packed, but not in Midsummer. |
Love Forever! |
What a nice piece of art! |
So is this! |
History is very present in Turku. |
Electrical transformers (is that the right term?) do not need to look ugly, do they? |
They can even be funny... |
And artistic... |
Ihana kuvapläjäys.
Tuollaisia ei turisti löydä käydessään pikaisesti.
Meillä Tampereella ei ole kyllä vastaavaa,
no rakkauslukot, mutta ei maalattuja sähköpömpeleitä.
Ihanaa kun sain heti viestin, ja juhannuspäivänä! Vielä kuukauden päivitystauonkin jälkeen joku käy blogiani kurkkaamassa, se innostaa.. :-)!
todella hienoja kuvia! Turku on todellinen kesäkaupunki! Me olimme aattoa uimarannalla, joka ei ollut lainkaan täynnä.. pitää mennä katsomaan tänäänkin, jos siellä on yhtä rauhallista!
Olet piiloutunut uuden nimimerkin - ja isojen aurinkolasien taakse, en meinannut heti tunnistaa... Turvallista rantapäivää auringossa :-)!
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