Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Yoga Mind

Is this for me after all? Wouldn't it be a lot nicer to do something what you can and you are good at? How can I keep up the practice on my own without an inspiring teacher? When I have pain in my back and feel stiff in my body and mind, who is there to support me then? It would be nice to have Petra, Anne, Wambui or Petri with me where ever I go... Just a smile or small tap, light adjustment or a stretch every now and then...

I fear that I might not be able to carry on with the practice when I am traveling, to find a place for the mat, get up early... Is it all just about laziness? I had several months break from my practice before this retreat and I wouldn't like to face the guilty feelings and hard starts again. Yes I know I shouldn't feel guilty if I am not practicing and I shouldn't rely on teachers, but find the self-reliance instead. And find the patience to listen to my body and slowly progress with my back. Could any of you send me some patience over here, please?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Difficult to comment on this, feel too envious.. Just enjoy what you have now, all the rest will follow!

Although I do quite enjoy this winter here, but right now would rather be on a sunny warm spot, and relax!

t. annamari