Friday, March 1, 2013

Transportation Troubles

"Hooolyyy shittt!" comes unwillingly from my mouth quite many times. A Muslim man next to me on a plane stares at me after a bumpy landing. People on a bus start laughing at my whining. A motor bike driver just keeps speeding when I yell "Hati-Hati", carefully! The traffic is crazy but both people and animals seem to be carefree. Where else do you see kids running on the runway behind the plane when your plane is taking off?

My unforgettable and scary bus ride from West Timor to East Timor took two days. My next transportation mode will be a boat tomorrow. I hope that the cyclone that has been over Indonesia has gone for now.

Buses are normally full both inside and outside
You can buy snacks on the way, peanuts, dried bananas, donuts, dried fish,  cooked  eggs

Landslides are common. You can either wait or walk to the other side and try take another bus or a car.

This was an unlucky trip. My bus drove off the road, luckily in the village road and not in the steep mountain slopes. Nobody got seriously hurt. I only got some bruises and small cuts.

Next day I changed to another bus and met a East Timorese famous politician, Jesus, who will become a president candidate 2022 in Timor Leste

1 comment:

Imppu said...

Oh goosh! I would be shouting and whining, too :) Transportation seems to be very interesting, take care!